To understand how hypnosis works, we must first learn about how our mind works. In simple terms, our mind consists of two components: The conscious mind, and the subconscious mind. Our conscious or logical mind performs analytical duties, rationalizes, uses willpower in attempts to change personal habits and serves as our short-term memory. The conscious mind also contains what is known as the critical factor, which operates automatically when you are using your conscious mind. The critical factor can be thought of as protecting the status quo of your beliefs and must be bypassed for you to accept any suggestion that conflicts with your existing beliefs. 


Our conscious mind finds it difficult to change bad habits. For example, when a person decides to try and quit smoking, he/she typically thinks he/she can accomplish this through willpower alone. However, a student of the mind knows that willpower simply initiates the desire to change, and is usually unsuccessful at eliminating the problem.

The subconscious mind, however, can change bad habits by readily accepting positive suggestions. Therein lies the secret to the effectiveness of hypnosis: Through positive suggestion, hypnosis changes your beliefs, attitudes, or behaviours, which you would like to improve.

Benefits of hypnosis


Build self-esteem

Your ego is healthy and you approach all of life’s tasks and challenges with ease and confidence.

Change your eating habits 

Through the power of suggestion, you find yourself craving healthier foods. You no longer feel the need to reach for more food in times of stress.


Put an end to sleep problems 

You drift off to sleep every night as your head hits the pillow, and wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, confident, and energized.

Stop smoking

While willpower alone rarely lasts long enough to affect permanent change, and nicotine patches and gums do nothing to solve the chemical addiction, through hypnosis your cravings simply disappear as bad habits are replaced in your subconscious with good ones.

Manage stress more effectively

When you feel stressed, many parts of your life can suffer, such as relationships, school, your career, and even your physical health. Through daily relaxation exercises, hypnosis does away with unhealthy stress levels.

Conquer phobias

You are no longer controlled by your fears. You learn to let go of traumatic experiences and start enjoying parts of life that have been out of your reach.

Improve athletic performance

Step on the field, course, or court knowing that you deserve to win. Your confidence soars, you are oblivious to outside distractions, you feel no performance anxiety, and your total body relaxation allows you to move with effortlessness and athletic grace.

If hypnosis is going to work for you, it is crucial to understand that a doubtful or negative response to given suggestions leads to their rejection. On the other hand, if you want the change and focus on the suggestion with a positive attitude, the suggestion is accepted and positive change happens.

Trusting and believing in your powerful subconscious mind is the first step to a successful new you!

Get the most from your hypnosis sessions

Desire what you wish for

Do you truly want to achieve your goal? People often say, “I have to quit smoking” or “I’ve just got to lose this weight.” Both statements imply a need imposed by external requirements rather than by inner desire. ‘Need’ has little to do with desire, while ‘want’ is where desire blooms; it’s the passion from within. If you have desire–really want something–then you’re on your way to getting what you wish for.

Make it personal

What’s your motivation? Your number one reason should be self-directed. I love hearing people say, “I’m fed up with this habit” or “I’m ready for a change in life.” These are strong, self-motivated declarations that will carry you to success.

Think about it

 Have you taken the time to think this through? Mental preparation is also very important. I define mental preparation as giving thought to what changes will take place once you’ve implemented a decision. How will your life be better? What are you prepared to do to see your goal realized? Practicing self-hypnosis should be part of the process. It requires only 3 minutes a day.

See it happen 
Can you imagine yourself better off? How does that look to you? If you can imagine what is possible then change will happen more quickly. Look forward to being creative. Hypnosis is wonderful for tapping into the creative part of your mind that is always ready to see you through to a better you.

Be open-minded
Are you willing to give hypnosis a chance? Resistance will hamper progress. So decide from the outset to be open-minded. Proceed positively and learn about the basics of what hypnosis is and how it works. Knowledge will erase fear or apprehension and set up realistic expectations 

If you don’t possess all five ingredients of the ideal hypnosis client, don’t let that hold you back. Not all traits are required to succeed. That’s right, not all traits are necessary for success. However developing these characteristics will greatly enhance your ability to reach your goal.

And now you know what you can do to get ready for a great hypnosis experience.

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