~When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt~ honore de balzac

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Hypnosis & Reiki for Stress & Anxiety Control

Stress causes body breakdown and disease

Hans Selye, an endocrinologist and specialist in stress research, describes the body’s overall effort to adapt to stress as the “general adaptation syndrome” (G.A.S.). This is a process that attempts to cope with chronic non-specific pressures of work, finances, and domestic concerns that are most harmful.  G.A.S. has three stages: 

  • The alarm reaction
  • A period of resistance
  • The exhaustion stage

This causes the body’s immune system to progressively break down.  Whatever organ or body part is weakest, in return, breaks down or becomes diseased.

The benefits of Reiki & Self-hypnosis for stress

Self-hypnosis offers the ability to dissolve the immediate stress you feel.  It also provides a tool …post-hypnotic suggestion…for handling stress outside self-hypnosis.  In the hypnotic state, you unravel your muscular tension enhancing a deep state of relaxation in your body, mind, and spirit. Cardiologist and noted stress researcher, Herbert Benson, believes the object of all stress reduction is to enhance your relaxation response.  Actually, relaxation response is the opposite of the “fight or flight” reaction which enhances stress.

Some interesting facts about stress

The American Institute of Stress, a non-profit clearinghouse for stress research in Yonkers, New York , has related studies showing that more than 66 percent of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related problems and job stress.  This costs American industry billions of dollars in absenteeism, lost productivity, medical coverage, and accidents.  The National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health considers stress in the top 10 leading work place hazards to health.

Using Hypnosis as Anxiety Relief

If you have found that stress and anxiety have started to seriously affect your life, it is important that you look into getting fast, effective anxiety relief. Suffering from stress and anxiety can seriously affect your quality of life, and without effective treatment will simply fester and get worse. As the condition worsens you may find your work, family life, relationships, friendships and health deteriorating.

Although many people will go to their doctor with stress and anxiety, popping pills isn’t always the answer. Often, the key is to get to the root of the problem and address the source of the anxiety. You may not even know what the cause of the anxiety is, or perhaps it is a combination of everything from your job to your personal life. Without looking in to the causes of the problem, the stress and anxiety will always be festering in the background.

A lot of people have started turning to hypnosis & Reiki as forms of anxiety relief, as these methods enable you to address the root of the problem and deal with it. These are a fast and effective methods, which have been successful for many. If you re looking for a simple anxiety relief method, you could find that hypnosis & Reiki will work for you.

Each of us is unique and, as such, results may vary.  The partnership that is created between yourself and Helena is one wherein you can accomplish many changes in your life that will astound you!

 ** Hypnosis is the most relaxed you will ever feel.
Experience it for yourself!**

Join the millions of people who have opened their minds to hypnosis  and changed their lives forever

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Complimented by your referrals

Helena Cataford is a Board Certified Hypnotherapist by the National Guild of Hypnotists, the largest and oldest hypnosis organization of its kind.  Helena is a Reiki Master Adept.  She is the founder of the Willow-Glen Hypnotherapy & Reiki Clinic and is dedicated to developing programs that motivate and help people change unproductive behaviours.


Results may vary from person to person

We are open Monday to Thursday 10AM to 7PM

For more Information, or to schedule an appointment
please call 289-284-0114 or Toll-Free 888-503-5274

Still have questions? Please  contact  us anytime! We look forward to hearing from you.

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