~I cannot always control what goes on outside. But I can always control what goes on inside~ - Wayne Dyer

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You CAN Stop Smoking

  • Hypnosis Works by unleashing the power that reside within your subconscious mind.
  •  The only condition for your success is "desire"
  •  We stick with you until you succeed! (No additional cost )
  • 2 Sessions on back-to-back days

For most people, the absolute worst way to attempt to deal with a smoking habit is through the use of willpower. Like moods and emotions, willpower fluctuates. One day it is strong. The next day may be a down day, willpower fades. It is usually neither consistent nor effective. Among stop-smoking procedures there are countless methods, programs, accupuncture, laser, substitute products, pills, chewing gums, self-help tapes and books, etc. Many are designed to help build up the personal power to resist or overcome the habit. Hypnotherapy does not work at achieving the strength to resist. It is designed to eliminate the desire. Instead of giving up something that a person enjoys (a sacrifice), the individual’s goal is to be rid of something that isn’t wanted — a much more agreeable position psychologically. In other words, instead of quitting smoking, you become a non-smoker!

Reasons for Smoking

There are two principle reasons for smoking: Identification, and Replacement. Identification is the situation in which the smoker indulges in the habit because others, whom he admires do so – parents, peers, entertainment or sports figures, etc. Identification smoking is the most common and the easiest to eliminate.

Replacement smoking occurs when smoking is used to replace some deficit in life – lack of companionship, love, acceptance, self esteem, security, independence, etc. – or to replace some preexisting habit such as overeating, reaction to anxiety or boredom.

Replacement smokers often derive sensual gratification from smoking – they enjoy touching or feeling the cigarettes, tapping the pack, seeing the flame of a lighter or the curling of rising smoke, or the smell of the burning tobacco. Often the lighting of the cigarette (or cigar or pipe) in itself becomes a ritual. Replacement smoking is quite often a true and severe habit.

The Nature of Smoking

Since smoking is both physical and mental, success in a stop-smoking effort must change not only the mental attitude, but the physical reaction. Through hypnosis it is possible to change the taste of a cigarette from pleasurable to un-pleasurable. When this is accomplished, problems often related to the cessation of smoking tend to be avoided. Castor oil (or other bad tasting medicine) may serve as an example. When a person gives up the ingestion of castor oil there are no withdrawal symptoms; and there are no needs to compensate for the lack of the medicine through overeating, sucking hard candies, etc.

Of many procedures available the hypnotherapist will select that which is most appropriate for the individual client. In some cases, effective cessation of smoking can be achieved in a single session. In most cases, two sessions are required. Individual sessions have the advantage of being adjustable to deal with the causes of the habit, the gratification provided, the characteristics of the clients and similar matters not fitting group work.

It is important to determine just what personal need is satisfied by smoking. Some smokers seek to fill a need to nurture themselves – lessen loneliness or get a “pickup” at the start of or during the day. Others feel smoking will relieve stress or provide moments of relaxation. Still more feel cigarette smoking makes social contacts more comfortable. The problem is that a habit adopted to meet a special need often proves destructive, eliminating the need by destroying the smoker.

The risks entailed in smoking have been stressed and analyzed for years. The aversion techniques of psychotherapy when utilized in hypnotherapeutic applications can produce dramatic results. Data on why, when and where smoking is indulged can reveal information helpful in planning stop smoking therapy.


One of the most powerful attributes of the human psyche is the visualization ability.  Many hypnotherapists, working with many types of problems, program clients to accept the belief that, “What the mind can conceive, you can achieve!” This concept is common in fields of meditation, positive thinking, spiritual faith and others.

Hypnotherapy can help develop and focus the powers of visualization. Since visualization is frequently undeveloped in clients, and since it can be learned, hypnotherapy can serve as a teaching modality.

In stop-smoking programs the ability to visualize one’s self as a non-smoker, free from past effects of the habit, filled with new health, energy and vitality, is a major asset. Visualization enables the client to picture, in the mind, cigarettes as unappealing, bad tasting, foul smelling and otherwise revolting. Likewise it is possible to picture and otherwise sense clean breath, healthy appearance and sensitive tastes.

Through visualization a smoker can perceive himself/herself as looking healthier, more active, in better physical condition, with easier breathing, stronger lungs and similar advantages. Through hypnotherapy senses of sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste all can be enhanced and used to modify reactions as necessary to achieve goals.

Our Guarantee – Maintenance Program

We are always there for you to become  a Non-Smoker!  If at any time up to 5 years in the future you require additional help there will be NO CHARGE! 

Join the millions of people who have opened their minds to hypnosis  and changed their lives forever

We are honored by your success
Complimented by your referrals

Helena Cataford is a Board Certified Hypnotherapist by the National Guild of Hypnotists, the largest and oldest hypnosis organization of its kind.  Helena is a Reiki Master Adept.  She is the founder of the Willow-Glen Hypnotherapy & Reiki Clinic and is dedicated to developing programs that motivate and help people change unproductive behaviors.


Results may vary from person to person

We are open Monday to Thursday 10AM to 7PM

For more Information, or to schedule an appointment
please call 289-284-0114 or Toll-Free 888-503-5274


Still have questions? Please  contact  us anytime! We look forward to hearing from you.


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