Coffee might just be the nectar of the gods, for some. Our rich and delicious coffee is grown in the finest South American locations and roasted by our professional team. We ship it in a totally sealed stay fresh package, shortly after it has finished roasting.
We recommend storing the coffee in a cool dry location, away from direct light sources. Only grind directly before use for the best taste.
Mon-Wed: Appointment Only
Thursday: 10 am - 8 pm
Friday - Sunday: Closed
Helena Cataford is a Board Certified Hypnotherapist by the National Guild of Hypnotists, the largest and oldest hypnosis organization of its kind. Helena is a Reiki Master Adept. She is the founder of the Willow-Glen Hypnotherapy & Reiki Clinic and is dedicated to developing programs that motivate and help people change unproductive behaviours.