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My mind is clear, my body is cleansed and energized, my heart is full. My soul is rejoicing. I thank you, my family thanks you. I truly believe we all meet for a reason, you on the other hand, you were sent as a gift.
Dearest Helena, February 15, 2009
Thank you again for another super CD. Helena, you should be proud of yourself!! You truly are a very special person. This August 9th will be 3 years “smoke free” and only because of your help. I have tried many different ways to quit and none worked, until you!!!
No cravings, no urges to start again when a crisis occurred!
So, my friend, I really do owe you my life, because without you, I would probably still be smoking (if I was still alive!) Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Love Sharon
To Helena and Tony, August 18, 2010
To walk in the woods, enjoy the sights and sounds, to view the sky through the canopy as the wind blows it around, to not be wondering. What is moving on the ground?
Thank you for putting me at my ease and for giving me “The Power”.
Mon-Wed: Appointment Only
Thursday: 10 am - 8 pm
Friday - Sunday: Closed
Helena Cataford is a Board Certified Hypnotherapist by the National Guild of Hypnotists, the largest and oldest hypnosis organization of its kind. Helena is a Reiki Master Adept. She is the founder of the Willow-Glen Hypnotherapy & Reiki Clinic and is dedicated to developing programs that motivate and help people change unproductive behaviours.